Can you get an STD from blowjobs or pussy eating?

Do you use a condom or dental dam during oral sex (blowjob, pussy eating or rimming)? Chances are you won't, because more than three quarters of young people who sometimes gave a blowjob with their last bed partner, did not use a condom. And that while for the majority of all people who have sex – regardless of whether they are one-night stands or regular bed partners – oral sex is often part of that sex.
We can also imagine that, because not everyone likes to have a condom or dental dam in their mouth. However, make no mistake: you can also get an STD from oral sex! So how exactly does this work? What are the risks and how can you prevent STDs if you want to have oral sex?
STDs from oral sex
In addition to the so-called STD big five (chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis), you can also transmit HPV and herpes through oral sex. And some of those STD infections, for example, take place in the throat or in the anus, so keep in mind that STDs are not just limited to the vagina or penis. In relation to sex in which the penis goes into the vagina or anus, the chance of an STD from oral sex is generally smaller.
Fortunately, chlamydia in the throat is not common, but it is certainly possible. In most cases this does not cause any complaints and will even go away on its own. If you have complaints, it is always advisable to contact your doctor, and if you think you have contracted chlamydia in your throat, you can of course test for an STD to be sure. If it turns out that you do have chlamydia, a doctor can prescribe a course of antibiotics to get rid of your STD.
In contrast to chlamydia, gonorrhea in the throat is relatively common and this is especially true for MSM (men who have sex with men). Gonorrhea in the throat does not always cause complaints, but if it does, it often manifests itself in a sore or inflamed throat. Although gonorrhea in the throat often goes away on its own, it is quite contagious. That is why it is important to test for this STD when in doubt, and if you have a positive result, it is important to be treated. Fortunately, this can be done quite easily and is done by means of an injection. That way you prevent further problems and help prevent the spread of gonorrhea.
Herpes is a regular occurrence and often manifests itself in cold sores or blisters around the penis, vagina or anus. These blisters may itch, burn, tingle, or hurt. Once you have had the herpes virus, you will always carry it with you. However, that does not have to be a problem and if you have no complaints, or if the blisters have dried up and a scab forms, then you are much less contagious. The complaints often go away on their own, but if it bothers you a lot, there are certain resources available that can help. It is not recommended to have (unprotected) sex or to have oral sex if you see these types of blisters.
It is unsafe to have oral sex with sperm or (menstrual) blood in the mouth. The chance that you will contract HIV through oral sex is small if you take this into account, but if you are infected with other STDs or suffer from canker sores, wounds or inflammations, the chance increases. Are you unsure whether you have HIV? Then get yourself tested as soon as possible. Does that show that you have HIV? Then get treated as soon as possible. If you have HIV and receive proper treatment, you cannot pass HIV on to others.
Syphilis (also known as lues) is an STD that can also be transmitted through oral sex and often starts as a red, hard spot on the penis, vagina, anus or mouth. This spot is not always clearly visible and often goes away within 1 to 3 months, after which (or during) you get other complaints. However, that does not mean that you are no longer contagious! The chance of transmission is greatest if there are small wounds on your mucous membrane or skin. Left untreated, this STD can lead to serious complaints and it is important not to spread syphilis further.
Safe blowjob and pussy
STDs can in many cases be prevented by using a condom or dental dam when licking and sucking. A condom offers good protection against chlamydia, HIV and syphilis. You cannot get HIV if you use PrEP yourself and if the person who has HIV is treated correctly. In addition, a condom offers protection against gonorrhea and herpes, but not for the full 100%. Therefore, avoid oral sex if you are not sure that you or your partner do not have an STD, and especially if one of you has wounds or, for example, blisters in or in the mouth and around the genitals.
Certainty through (oral) STD test
Do you have any complaints or do you think you might have an STD? Have you had unprotected sex or do you have many changing contacts? Order an STD test or make an appointment with your GP. Good to know: we also offer an STD test that not only tests vaginally or urinally, but also anally and orally. That way you know for sure if you have an STD, even if you've sucked, licked or rimmed unprotected. And thanks to that certainty, you and your partner can fully enjoy safe (oral) sex again!